Flyer for the UPPERROOM conference

end of year conference

Join us December 28—31, 2024, and come expectant for encounter, encouragement, and activation.

Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas 

650 S Griffin St Dallas, TX  75202

The heart behind eoy '24.

Annually, at the End of Year conference, the Global Bride comes together to corporately minister to the Lord through worship. They also dive into Scripture and topical breakout sessions that can equip believers on various topics such as leadership, creativity, the prayer room, worship, and more. Come hungry and expectant for encounter, encouragement, and activation.

eoy '24 Speakers

Michael Miller preaching

Michael Miller

Lorisa Miller preaching
Lorisa Miller
Peter Louis preaching

Peter Louis

Aaron Smith preaching
Aaron Smith
Elyssa Smith
Kevin Tipps
Jeremy and Ashley Shuck
Jeremy & Ashley Shuck
Corey Russell preaching at UPPERROOM
Corey Russell

Lee Cummings

Michael Koulianos preaching at UPPERROOM
Michael Koulianos
Jessica Koulianos preaching at UPPERROOM
Jessica Koulianos
Marcos Brunet preaching at UPPERROOM
Marcos Brunet
Joshua david preaching
Joshua David


UPPERROOM Worship will be leading us into the pressence of Jesus at End of Year Conference 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

You must register online for this event.

(Debe registrarse en línea para este evento.)

We will provide you with a 50% refund for each ticket you purchase up until Sept. 1st. You may also choose to gift or donate your ticket to someone else by emailing us at [email protected] After Sept. 1st, no refunds will be issued and your ticket will go to support our UPPERROOM initiatives of funding ministry to the Lord around the world. Also note, all discounted tickets are non-refundable and you cannot request a refund on a discounted ticket. Proceeds will be applied as donations to UPPERROOM global initiatives.

(Le proporcionaremos un reembolso del 50% por cada boleto que compré hasta el 1 de septiembre. También puede optar por regalar o donar su boleto a otra persona enviándonos un correo electrónico a [email protected] Después del 1 de Septiembre no se emitirán reembolsos y su boleto se destinará a apoyar las iniciativas globales de UPPERROOM. Todos los boletos con descuento no son reembolsables y los ingresos se aplicarán como donaciones.)

Yes, we will have interpretation services (for Spanish-speakers) during our main sessions for our in-person attendees. We will also have one breakout session dedicated to Spanish speakers.

(Sí, contaremos con servicios de interpretación para nuestras sesiones principales para nuestros asistentes presenciales. También tendremos una sesión de trabajo dedicada a nuestros hispanohablantes.)

Only credit or debit card payments can be received when registering online at

(Con tarjeta de crédito o débito en línea en )

If tickets are still available on December 28th you will be able to purchase your tickets online or at the door. We will not be accepting any cash at the door, but will have the QR Code to purchase tickets using a credit or debit card.

(Si todavía hay boletos disponibles el día 28, podrá comprar sus boletos en línea. No aceptaremos efectivo en la puerta y tendremos disponible el QRC para comprar boletos en línea.)

No, meals are included in the ticket price.

(Las comidas no están incluidas en el precio del billete.)

Yes, there will be concessions throughout the arena, as well as restaurants within walking distance.

(Sí, habrá puestos de comida en todo el estadio.)

There is plenty of parking around the convention center. For more information see parking details.

(Hay mucho estacionamiento alrededor de la convención. Para más información ver detalles del aparcamiento.)

Purses and diaper bags are allowed however, backpacks and suitcases are NOT allowed inside the arena, and would have to be kept in your vehicle.

(Se permiten carteras y bolsas de pañales, sin embargo, no se permiten mochilas ni maletas y deberán guardarse en su vehículo.)

There will not be childcare for this event however, we are excited to again offer the KIDS conference for 1st-5th graders! Our heart is that our children will be led into an experience with the Father that will mark the rest of their lives. We are so excited to have this opportunity to immerse our kids in the same culture of prayer and worship and teach them how to seek after Him. They will learn about worship, communion, prophecy, thanksgiving, and their identity in Christ.
*Kids conference will be held during the daytime hours and only Dec. 29th, Dec. 30th & Dec 31st. Kids conference sessions will not be during the night sessions.
If you decide your children will not participate in the Kids Conference. They will still be required to register in order to enter the arena with the purchase of a general admission or gold ticket.

(No habrá cuidado de niños para este evento, sin embargo, ¡nos complace ofrecer nuevamente la conferencia KIDS para los grados 1-5! Nuestro corazón es que nuestros hijos sean conducidos a una experiencia con el Padre que marcará el resto de sus vidas. Estamos muy emocionados de tener esta oportunidad de sumergir a nuestros hijos en la misma cultura de oración y adoración y enseñarles cómo buscarlo. Aprenderán sobre adoración, comunión, profecía, acción de gracias y su identidad en Cristo.
*La conferencia para niños se llevará a cabo durante el día solo el 29, 30 y 31 de diciembre, y no durante las sesiones nocturnas.
Si decide que sus hijos no participarán en la Conferencia de Niños. Seguirán estando obligados a entrar con entrada general u oro.)

Yes, all attendees are required to purchase a ticket, so we can account for seats. If you purchased your child a Kids Conference ticket they will have full access to the EOY Conference. If your child will not be attending the Kids Conference you will need to purchase them a EOY Conference ticket to match your seating selection (general admission or gold). For kids under 5 years old you can purchase a ticket online for FREE using code UNDER5

(Sí, todos los asistentes deben comprar un boleto para que podamos contabilizar los asientos. Si compra un boleto para la Conferencia de niños para su hijo, tiene acceso completo a la Conferencia EOY y no necesitará comprarle un boleto. Si su hijo no asistirá a la Conferencia para niños, deberá comprarle un boleto para la Conferencia EOY que coincida con su selección de asientos. Para niños menores de 5 años, puede comprar un boleto en línea GRATIS usando el código UNDER5)

Yes, there are discounted group tickets available. Five or more people will receive a 15% off. For groups larger than 20 people, please email our team at [email protected]

(Sí, hay entradas para grupos disponibles. Cinco o más personas recibirán un 15% de descuento. Para grupos de más de 20 personas, envíe un correo electrónico a nuestro equipo a [email protected])

For all questions pertaining the event, please contact [email protected]

(Para todas las preguntas relacionadas con el evento, comuníquese con [email protected])

Yes, we are welcoming vendors to exhibit at the event. If you are interested in bringing your organization, ministry, school or merch to be a part of our exhibit hall, please fill out the following form for our team to review and approve. Applications close out 11/1/2024 EOY EXHIBIT

(Sí, estamos permitiendo que los proveedores exhiban en el evento. Complete el siguiente formulario para su revisión y aprobación. Las solicitudes cierran el 1/11/2024 EOY EXHIBIT)

UPPERROOM volunteers in the parking lot

Serve Team

By selecting this ticket type, you are committing to serve the EOY Conference 3 days for up to 8 hours — this may be split before, during, or after the conference and will vary based on the serve team you are scheduled for. This will grant you access to the full conference.You must be an active member of UPPERROOM Church in order to serve.

Kids Conference

We are excited to again offer the KIDS conference for 1st-5th grade! Our heart is that our children will be led into an experience with the Father that will mark the rest of their lives. We are so excited to have this opportunity to immerse our kids in the same culture of prayer and worship and teach them how to seek after Him. They will learn about worship, communion, prophecy, thanksgiving, and their identity in Christ.
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