Daily Prayer Room
Prayer Room Archives
72 hours per week
ministering to the Lord.
16 hours per week live
on YouTube.
10,000 people weekly
minister with us online.
2,000 people weekly
minister with us in Dallas.
Dripping moments of our culture.
In 2017 the Lord instructed us to “drip” moments of our culture into the online space. The vision and framework of this comes from Acts 20, where Eutychus fell out of the third floor window and died as Paul preached into the wee hours of the night. Paul raised him from the dead after his fall.
Anointed times with the Lord.
Our hope has been to inject life into a generation that has “fallen” out of the Church through the window sill of culture. Our goal has not been to start a label or music group, but to simply share regularly anointed times with the Lord online.

A weekly focus on his presence.
We currently host morning, noon, and night prayer sets for 72 hours each week, 16 hours of those prayer sets are streamed on YouTube. Additionally, our Sunday morning and evening services are live streamed each week.