michael miller

Founder & Senior Leader

Michael Miller is the founder and Senior Pastor of UPPERROOM. In April of 2010 Michael and his wife Lorisa started a small prayer meeting in an office space overlooking downtown Dallas. From that initial prayer meeting, God birthed a movement of prayer and worship that continues to grow globally. Many lives have been impacted by UPPERROOM’s house of prayer, as people online and from all over the DFW metroplex come together to pray and worship every morning, noon and night.
“The phrase ‘minister to me’ challenged every paradigm of ministry that I had. It would reprioritize my vision, goals, and focus.”

Michael Miller Sermons

Michael Miller’s sermons are an overflow of what God is doing in the UPPERROOM house of prayer.

Women In Church

“Women in Church” is a sermon Michael Miller preached on Sunday Night at UPPERROOM.


“Gethsemane,” a sermon by Michael Miller breaking down the theology for pain.

Your Heart & His Face

Starting in Psalm 27  “Your Heart His Face” provides verses for heart health.

Triumphal Entry and His Return

“Triumphal Entry and His Return” shows the connection between the Passion week and the Lord’s return.

Why Say "Thank You"

Michael Miller shares a core in his sermon “Why Say ‘Thank You'”.

Women in Ephesus

In this sermon Michael Miller gives context to some of Paul’s misunderstould passages about women.

Why Your Heart Is Sick

Drawing from the “upper room discourse” Michael shares this sermon on heart health.

Tending The Flame

Michael Miller connects the preistly ministry of “tending the flame of God” to our day and our nation.

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Michael Miller preaching at a conference

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Michael Miller's Book

His House, His Presence

His House, His Presence reveals how ministry to the Lord is every believer’s first and primary calling. Relevant to every Christian believer, and especially for faith leaders, Michael Miller’s revelations will ignite conviction, simplicity, a return to Jesus, our first love, and a true longing for His return.
Picture of Michael Freeland Miller

Michael Freeland Miller


Michael Miller's Story

The Early Days of UPPERROOM In Oak Lawn, Dallas Texas

In early 2010, Michael Miller was introduced to a business owner in the Oak Lawn area of downtown Dallas. This man owned a chain of veterinarian clinics throughout the Dallas metroplex, and his flagship clinic and corporate offices were in the Oak Lawn neighborhood.

The business owner had decided to set aside the second floor of this prime business real estate space for Kingdom purposes. He wanted to see how God might use it, and specifically desired for it to be a space that would host worship and prayer. In February 2010, with the sound of dogs barking in the background, Michael walked into what he described as “the upper room” for the first time.

The room was about 5000 square feet. It looked like a former corporate office with old cubicles, a low white ceiling, and fluorescent lights. The centerpiece of the room were the southwest windows. From there you had a great view of the iconic skyline of downtown Dallas.

Passover was just two months away. In his personal devotional time with the Lord, God had been speaking to him out of Mark chapter 14 where Jesus instructed His disciples to go into the city and follow a man carrying a pitcher of water. If they followed this servant, they would be led to the servant’s master, the owner of a building where Jesus intended to host Passover, the last supper.

Preparations For Disciples To Gather

When Michail Miller read Mark 14, it felt like it mirrored what was taking place in his life. He had found the “servant” in Dallas who introduced Michael to the owner of a building. This owner had made preparations for Jesus and His disciples to gather. At this point, all he knew to do was to be obedient to the Lord and accept the invitation to gather and pray in this upper room.

Passover would be the start date of a prayer meeting that Miller assumed would last for just a short time until they had greater understanding about next steps. In fact, we targeted our prayer gatherings to meet from Passover to Pentecost. That would be seven weeks in the upper room, allowing them minimal commitment to the neighborhood, but ample time to plan and pray about what God had next. Michael believed in prayer, of course, but he did not want to be on the hook to lead something that he was not fully committed to. Little did he know, God was setting Michael up big time.

Planting A Church In A Spiritual Graveyard

Over those seven weeks, something beautiful began to unfold that we could not have orchestrated or anticipated. Each Sunday night that we gathered was uniquely marked by God’s manifest presence and leadership. The Lord was very intentional and particular with every step we made. He would not let them simply do what they thought they should do.

It was amazing who would come to these meetings. Divine appointment after divine appointment marked our community each week. As small as it was back then, we both could sense God wanted to do something big.

Even still, Michael was not certain anything was truly taking root. Church planting is not easy, and church planting in Oak Lawn is virtually impossible. Over the course of a few months, he had seen at least two other church plants come and go in the Oak Lawn area. It was described by one church planter as a “church planting graveyard,”

In hindsight, Miller realized that Oak Lawn was indeed a graveyard—his personal graveyard. The Lord was stripping him of his preferences, his strengths, and his comforts. He found himself cornered by the Lord in every way imaginable during the first year we lived in Oak Lawn. He was addressing his personal aspirations for a life in Christian leadership and rewriting the script of his ideal life and ministry plans.

Eventually, those early prayer meetings became the center of what we planted our entire community and family around. We did not focus on programs, evangelism, and traditional ministries. We focused on prayer. We did not have a newcomer’s interest class—we just told anyone new who wanted to get involved to commit to a weekly prayer meeting. Over time, the Lord delivered him of boredom in the place of prayer.

Michael Miller realized that it was the primary and most rich way to connect with the Father, the presence of Jesus, and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. He grew in passion and conviction not just about what we were doing in our prayer meetings, but how we were doing it. He grew in the revelation of the first commandment—to love and minister to Him first—and how to fulfill it in our small prayer meeting settings. God met him in the most unlikely of places, to teach him how to personally love Him and lead others to do the same in a regular corporate expression.

Ministering To The Lord, Morning, Noon, and Night

The phrase “minister to me” challenged every paradigm of ministry that Michael had. It would reprioritize his vision, goals, and focus. This kind of correction from God would forever change him and the people that he lead. It has become one of the sweetest and most life-changing words he had ever received from Jesus, and it has strengthened and sustained him and Lorisa in the past twelve years of ministry.

The early days of the UPPERROOM were unto the Lord stripping him bare. His ways are not our ways. His ways are better and more effective. He was so jealous for this story—this ministry to Him—that He literally stripped him of all that he knew and desired to reveal something so precious: that His leadership is sufficient and so much better than mine. As he have submitted and sat under the Lord’s leadership, God has taught Michael the things he now offers to you in his book, His House, His Presence.

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