The Path of Perseverance
Bible Reading Plan
Bible Reading Plan Description.
In the final hour, many will fall away, but there will be a remnant that finishes the race of faith well. Now, more than ever before, we need a reawakening in our hearts of the true meaning of enduring through trial, suffering, and pain in light of the return of Jesus. “The Path of Perseverance” is a 26-day journey through the books of Philippians, 1st & 2nd Thessalonians, James, 1st & 2nd Peter, and Jude.
Join Us On Zoom
- November 6, 2024: 12:00pm—1:00pm CST
- November 13, 2024: 12:00pm—1:00pm CST
- November 20, 2024: 12:00pm—1:00pm CST
- November 27, 2024: 12:00pm—1:00pm CST

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